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This guide helps resolve common issues when using next-state-adapter.

Store is not available in components


You are trying to access the store but get an undefined or null value.


Make sure your component is wrapped in StoreProvider:

export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (

State is not updating after hydration


After fetching server-side data, the client store does not reflect the updates.


Ensure you are using useStoreHydration correctly:

const { todos } = useStoreHydration.withTypes<RootStore>()(store => {

Also, verify that the fetched data is valid and structured correctly before hydration.

withStore HOC does not pass the store to class components


When using the withStore HOC, the store is not available in class components.


Ensure that withStore is applied correctly:

export const UsersList = withStore(Users, (store, props) => {

Also, confirm that the component is receiving store as a prop and using it properly.

Hydration mismatch warning in Next.js


You see a warning about hydration mismatch when rendering state-dependent components.


Make sure that the initial state in the client matches the pre-rendered state from the server. This typically happens when data is fetched asynchronously but is not included in the initial render.

To fix this, ensure that server-fetched data is passed correctly as props and used for initial hydration.

Store updates are not triggering re-renders


Your components do not react to state changes.


Check that your component is correctly consuming the store using useStore or useStoreHydration. If using MobX, ensure your component is wrapped with observer:

const TodoList = observer(() => {
const { todos } = useStore();
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{todo.title}</li>

Still having issues?

If you encounter persistent problems, check the official documentation, browse GitHub issues, or seek community support.