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This guide will help you integrate next-state-adapter into your Next.js App Router project.

1. Configure Root Store, Store Provider, Typed Hook, and HOC

First, create a root store configuration and set up the necessary hooks and provider.

// ~/store/config.ts
'use client';

import {RootStore} from "@/store/root";
import {createProvider, useStore, withStore as withStoreHoc} from "next-state-adapter";

const makeStore = () => {
return new RootStore()

export const useAppStore = useStore.withTypes<RootStore>();

// Hook for hydrating the client store with server data.
export const useAppStoreHydration = useStoreHydration.withTypes<RootStore>()

export const StoreProvider = createProvider(makeStore)

// If you need class component support, create a HOC without 'use client'
// ~/store/withStore.ts
export const withStore = withStoreHoc.withTypes<RootStore>()

2. Wrap Your Components with StoreProvider

Ensure that your application is wrapped in StoreProvider inside the root layout.

// ~/app/layout.tsx

export default function RootLayout({children}: Readonly<{ children: React.ReactNode }>) {
return (
<html lang="en">

3. Create a Component with Store and Hydrate with Server Data

Here’s an example using MobX, but you can use any state management library.

// ~/todos/list.tsx
'use client';

const TodoList = observer(({initialTodos}: { initialTodos: Todo[] }) => {
const {todos} = useAppStoreHydration((store) => {
// Hydrate the client store with server data

return (
{ => (
<li id={} key={}>

TodoList.displayName = 'Todos';

4. Use the Component in a Server Component

// ~/app/todos/page.tsx
export default async function Todos () {
const initialTodos = await fetchTodos(); // Fetch initial data on server side

return <TodoList initialTodos={initialTodos} />;

5. Using Class Components

To use next-state-adapter with class components, use the withStore HOC:

type Props = {
store: RootStore;
initialUsers: User[];

class Users extends Component<Props, {}> {
constructor(props) {

render () {
const { store } = this.props;
const users = store.users.users;

return (
{ => <div key={}>{}</div>)}

// `withStore` will pass the store as props
export const UsersList = withStore(Users, (store, props) => {
const {initialUsers} = props;

// Server Component
export default async function UsersPage() {
const initialUsers = await fetchUsers();
return <UsersList initialUsers={initialUsers} />;